Harrisburg Saline Co Ill Ap 29, 1861
Your Excellence Gov yates
Having an interest in our countries cause under the now existing circumstances, and having learned that there is a want of arms. I present you with the moddle of a formidable weapon of warfare with which the little republic of Switzerland twice gained or successfully defended her liberties.
My object in presenting this weapon is to consult your views as to the propriety of preparing a number of the same for the Government trops. Experience has proved that the strong armed and undiciplined soldier can do more in close combat than with any other
and will even put to flight or death the most experianced Swordsman. Should your Excellence be persuaded that this weapon would be of use at this time upon your recomendation a greate number can be prepared in a short time at a very trifling expense.
My home and office is at Evansville, Indiana, but am temporary here superintending this Court House of Saline County
Yours respectfully
J K Frick
J.K. Frick-
With present of Swiss Pike-