James Wright to Richard Yates



James Wright to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Olney Ills. Oct. 1st 1864

To His Excellency

Gov. Yates.

Dear Sir,

Parden me for calling your attention to the recent murder, at Quincy in this State, of my Son Lewis Wright---a Soldier---by one Oliver F. Cornman who called himself a "Missouri bushwhacker," in a manner that I think calls for his arrest, trial and punishment by a military court.

Said Lewis Wright was a private in Com "C." 63rd Ills. Vol. but on account of sickness in the Summer of 1863, was transfered to the Vet Reserve Corpse, and in April last was sent to Capt. Asbury Provost Marshal at Quincy Ills. as one of his guards.

The evidence in the case is about as follows, (as I saw the written statements of three witnesses, in the hands of Capt. Asbury)

On the evening of the 8th of Sept./64, while Wright was standing on the sidewalk near the Provost Marshal's office in Quincy, engaged in a friendly and social conversation with two citizens of his acquaintance, they were rudely accosted by one of two persons


who came up and spoke insultingly to them, but on receiving no answer, walked a few steps past, halted, came back and this man Cornman challenged them for a fight, addressing himself to Wright, and said he would bet him One hundred dollars against fifty that he could whip him, saying something about Soldiers at the same time, to which Wright replied that if he was a Soldier, he was a civil man and would have no disturbence with a citizen, that he would "not fight a citizen". Cornman urged for a fight and became more boisterous. Wright, in a mild manner, repeated his former remarks, to which Cornman said he was "no citizen." Wright asked him what he was? if he was neither citizen nor soldier? Cornman said "I am a Missouri bushwhacker." The two took hold of each other. Wright struck Cornman with his fist and knocked him down. Cornman jumped up came at him swearing and threatening. Wright knocked him down again in like manner, and commenced striking him in the face. The other fellow who came up with Cornman caught Wright about the shoulders and threw him back some distance. Wright fell to his hands & knees.


and as he was getting up Cornman commenced shooting at him with a revolver, discharged four shots in quick succession. and wheeled and runn. Wright fell at the first shot & commenced getting up---fell again at the second shot & made no effort to get up. Two of the shots were fatal,---one taking effect in the bowels, and the other in the lungs---a third a small flesh wound.

Wright lingered about 46 hours and died conscious of having given no offence.

Cornman, though a stranger to Wright and unknown to him or to those who were with him at the time of the shooting---turned up to be a citizen of Quincy, and was arrested and is jail on a formal charge of murder to await his trial before the Circuit Court. I do not like to impugn the motives of others, but I have little doubt the matter will be baffled in the Circuit Court---put off, and finally the criminal go with but little or no punishment, whereas a military Court is the proper one to try "bushwhackers," and where justice would be sure.

Permit me to say (although Lewis was my son) that I know, and I have it from his officers and fellow soldiers, that he was a faithful and brave soldier, that he was courtous an civil to all persons---That he sought the acquaint

ance of others for social and religious intercourse, and was loved and respected by all who knew him in the army.

I am your bedient Servant.

James Wright

[vertically on same page for filing]

Wright James.

Olney. Oct 1st 1864

Calls Govr's attention the murder of his son a soldier of the VRC who was doing duty at the Pro. Marshal's office in Quincy. Says that the murderer is awaiting trial at the civil court, & he thinks he should be tried by military Court Martial.





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