U S General Hospital Vol
Quincy Ills
October 9th/64
To His Excellency Governor Yates
Springfield Ills
Dear Sir
I Florence Donavon Sergeant of Co I 90th Ills Volls Inft formerly of Co B 15th Ills Inft do hereby Solicit your Kindly influence for the purpose of having me tranfered to Chicago to be provided with an artificial limb having lost a leg at the battle of Missionary Ridge on the 25th of last November I appealed to the Surgeon in Charge but was informed by them that they Could
not comply with my Requisition and desired me to appeal to your Excellency Timothy Ryan of Co G 90th Ills Inft having lost a leg at Missionary Ridge. Kindly Solicits your Excellency Influence for the Same reasons Should you deem it expedient to Comply with my request you can address Surgeon Brinson in Charge Quincy Hospital hoping you will Comply with the above request we have the Honor to Remain Your Excellencys Obedients Servants
Florence Donavon
Timothy Ryan
Mr Joseph Rex of Co F 88th Ill Inft having lost an Arm in the battle Kindly Solicits your Excellencys to have him removed to Chicago where he can procure an artificial limb from the Government
Your Excellency's
Obedient Servant
Joseph Rex
Ansd Oct 11th 64 & trans. appd for