Monmouth, Ill.
Oct. 19. 1864
His Excellency
Rich.d Yates
D. Sir, I am informed that Maj. R. W. McClaughrey Paymaster at Springfield will very likely be elected circuit Clerk of Hancock County at the approaching Election, in that case creating a vacancy in Paymaster Dept. in Illinois. And as I would like the office of Paymaster I intrude myself asking your influence for the same.
I can furnish references,
Judge Lawrence, Gen'l Paine. Prentiss & Harding and others.
I would like to be located at Springfield until after session of our Legislature that I might repay you for your kindness &c &c
I have seen Simpson of Henderson and he is all right and have a letter from a gentleman with whom I corresponded at Rock Island informing me that the candidate from that District is all Right.
So make it be
The "Cops" are to have a big rally here on Friday and Vallindingham is said to be here. They call him the Democratic Messiah and I Suppose that John Morgan must be his Forerunner
Hoping to hear from you at your convenience and that you are well
I am ever Your friend
Solon Burroughs
Burroughs Solon
Monmouth Oct. 19th 64
As Major McClaughery is likely to be elected Circuit Clerk. he would like the appt of Paymaster in his place
McClaughery not elected.