Richard Beck to Richard Yates


Richard Beck to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Mt. Carmel, Ill, Aug. 14th, 1865.

Hon. Richard Yates

Sir: I congratulate you on your election to the U.S. Senate. About a year ago, I became the purchase of the Mt. Carmel Register Office, and have been fighting (politically) the battles of my country - striving to put down the uncalled for trouble, out of which we have just emerged; I was an old-line Whig, and never had any sympathy for Democracy, although at one time (say, thirty years ago, I could see but very little difference. Yet, even then, Calhoun and other Southern men were working and planning the destruction of this great confederacy. I was born in Georgetown, D.C., and consequently, being put at the printing business when but ten years old, had a chance to read and hear from myself. Still, I

had too much faith in American people to be gulled by men of his cloth, although he was a flowery speaker, and a cunning knave. His plan [illegible] however, and were finally put into execution, but thank God, they have, in no small degree through your humble self, as head of our State, been knocked into a cocked hat. There is yet, however, much to be done yet, which you will find when you go to Washington; this, I presume you are aware of.

Some 4 or 5 years ago, Mr. Frank Manley, published the Register at this city, and he was lucky in getting the Public printing (the Mail Lettings, for instance) through my friend, the Hon Lyman Trumball. To be plain, I am seeking this very job myself, and solicit your aid in this premises. My paper has a very liberal circulation.

This paper had the public printing in Gen. Harrison's day, again, in the lifetime of our lamented President Lincoln's - and I hope through your agency as well as others, that the Mt. Carmel Resister may be again selected by the Postmaster General.

While you held the Gubernatorial chair I made application to you for some position in the army - but it may be, for some wise purpose I was not elected - and that Providence designed me to fill my present position. I settled here in '34, and published the Mt. Carmel Sentinel some 5 years.

Yours Respectfully,

Richard Beck

Editor Mt. Carmel Register

[illegible (upside down)



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