Hartford Conn June 17th 1862
Dear Sir:
I have the honor to acknowledge the reception of your letters forwarded me from Bloomington, and have sincerely to regret that I did not receive the first one in due season, for then it would have been very agreeable to me to have complied at once with your wishes. Now my engagements are such that it will not be possible for me to return to Illinois before about the middle of August At that time I shall be most happy to finish the picture and furthermore I hope your patience will prove equal
to the delay
I hear everybody complimenting the heroic parts born by the volunteers of Illinois in the present struggle; and it has often been very gratifying to me to bear witness that it is in a great measure due to the patriotism and energy of its present Executive
I am dear sir very respectfully yours
G. F. Wright
To His Excellency Richard Yates
B. F. Wright Hartford Ct
Acknowledging recpt of letters forwarded from Bloomington, did not receive first one in time. will not return before middle of August, will then [finish?] picture, gallantry of Ills Regts