Peoria Sep 13 '62
To His Excellency
R. Yates
Dear Sir,
Enclosed find a printed notice in relation to the new cavalry regiment, entitled as a token of our esteem and confidence 'The Yates Ironsides' As yet we have heard nothing from Capt. Hancock but suppose he will be here soon. We have an offer of two companies from Chicago and many of our best citizens will commence recruiting for companies at different points in this District. I believe in less than thirty days, it will prove an entire success.
Arrangements are being made to visit different portions of the State and no pains
will be spared to secure a prompt organization of the regiment. -
We all thank you for your prompt assistance and kind efforts in obtaining authority from the Department at Washington. - For myself I fully appreciate the favor and shall certainly reciprocate if any opportunity ever offers.
Yours truly
Thos. G. McCulloh
Thos R. G. McCullock
Peoria Sept 13th 1862
Says new Cavalry Regt. is to be called "Yates Ironsides" Thanks for favors &c