Office of Commissary General of Prisoners,
Washington, D.C., Decb. 15 1862
Hon Richd Yates
Governor of Illinois
Springfield, Ill.
Your letter of the 6th inst. addressed to the Secretary of War has been referred to me, and in reply I have the honor to inform you that the prisoners taken at Lexington, Mo, have not been exchanged.
Lt. Col. Ludlow, agent for the exchange of prisoners, will endeavor at his next interview with the agent of the rebel government, to effect an exchange of all prisoners captured in Missouri, in mass, as very little is known by either party of Captures made there. Some irregular exchanges have been made, of which there is no official information.
I am Governor
Very respectfully
Your Obdt. Servt.
W. Hoffman
Col 3d Inf. Com. Genl. Pris
(Paroled prisoners)
Col. W. Hoffman
Commisy Genl. Prisoners
Washington Dec 15/62
In answer to letter of 6th inst addressed to Sec'y of War. Prisoners taken at Lexington have not been exchanged. Will endeavor to have them exchanged at the next interview with the agent of Rebel Governm't