Chicago June the 21st 163
To his Excellency Governor Yates,
It is with pleasure that I address you with a few lines, for information as to wether their will be any colored troop raise in this state or not, I have been recruiting for the 54th and 55th Mass. Regiments and I have been ask by a great many of my white and colored friends, why I am not use my influence for state in which I live; [illegible] [illegible], when ever their is a chance for me to due anything for this state, I will be happy to do so, as when ever so may please your excellency, some information on this subject will be thankfully received, you you will oblig yours
E. R. Williams
File Cold Regts (R)
Williams E. R
Chicago June 21st 1863
Wishes to know it the state of Illinois is to organize and negroe Regiments. he has been recruiting for the Mass Regts and now wishes to raise a company for this state.
Recd Ex O June 22 1863