Springfield Ill
July 1st 1863.
Dear Sir
Some time since I sent to you for relief a poor woman, a member of St Paul's Church, who had a son in the army, and who was in need. It was not then in my power to assist her more than I had done.
She informed me of your very considerate reception and treatment of her, and has often since expressed her gratitude for your kindness.
The many calls made upon you under similar circumstances, must I am persuaded be a severe tax upon your private purse. You will not I am sure be offended at my returning to you from a small fund I now have the amount you gave her, when I assure you that it is done with the purest motives, and with the highest respect for you as a gentleman of noble and generous impulses.
Very truly your
Friend & Servant
Lewis P Clover
His Excellency
Richard Yates
Governor of Illinois
Clover Lewis P.
Springfield July 1 63.
Sent to Governor for the relief of a poor woman Returns the amount
Ansd check returned to him ---
Ex Office Jany 13 64