Jacksonvile Jan 8 1864
Gov Yates
Dear Sir,
I hope you will notice any accumulation of Pamphlets & Documents in your office, and send me what you can spare of them, for the use of the collection I am making. Please direct Snyder to send them to me per Express or in any other manner most convenient.
I cordially congratulate you on the brilliant shine of the opening year, and sincerely rejoice in your proud elevation. For God's sake, strive to deserve still more; and in reaching the goal, never doubt that you will have the love, as well as the rewards of the people. No one prays for this, more ardently, than I do - with love to Mrs Yates,
Yours truly, Jas. Berdan
I think it proper to add, that nothing can shake my faith in your personal or in your political character. I have sometimes believed that you required the counsel of a friend whose attachment had no selfishness in its composition, and it has occurred to me, that assurance from such an one, would strengthen you in your trials. Be always, my dear Dick, a faithful man - try to be a good man, and if in any difficulty or doubt, rely upon your own strong sense of truth & justice. If in need of counsel, mine is always ready
J. B.
Berdan James.
Jacksonville Jany 8 1864.
Wishes the Governor to send him any Pamphlets or Documents he may have. Congratulates the Governor on the brilliant shine of the opening year.
Ex Office Jany 18 1864