Rockford Jany 8th 1864.
My Dear Governor,
Having found, on my return from Washington, your excellent letter to President Lincoln in my behalf, I would have made you my grateful acknowledgements but for your absence from Springfield much of the time since my return. Accept my hearty thanks for your very kind and highly commendatory letter. Whether I shall even receive any recognition from the National Administration is uncertain. Were positions at your disposal I would feel more confident.
Whenever I can leave business I am speaking in the Counties of this Cong Dist at the request of Committees.
Our people are full of patriotic feeling.
Grateful to you for your uniform kindness, I am with great respect.
Sincerely Yours,
Anson S. Miller.
His Exy Gov. Yates.
Miller Ansen S.
Rockford Jany 8 64
Friendly letter to Governor thanks him for letter to President.
Executive Office Jany 13 64