Camp Dennison Ohio
Febr 16th 1863.
Gov Yates
Dear Sir
I this morning take the pleasure of stateing to you that I was one that stood up and faced The Enemy at Storm River Battle in defence of this glorious Union and as it was my unlucky fate to receive 2 very severe wounds after which I was conveyed to this Hospital and have been confined here very close not allowed to go any place what ever. I want to know if I cant be conveyed to some Hospital in my own state where I would be better cared for or that I might get a furlough or a shot leave of absence for a short time as
my buisness are such that almost compels me to be at Home for a shot time. I being a man of a Family your Truly &c please give me an answer soon Direct to Camp Dennison Ohio Ward 30
Carman Hansen
22nd Illinois Inft.
Dear Sir.
If I can be favored with a transfer or leafe of absance for a shot length of time it would be a great faver to me
Uriah Foster
36th Ill Inft
Ward 30
Carman Hanson
& Uriah Foster
U.S. Hospital
Camp Denison Ohio
Ward 30.
Want transfer to Illinois Hospital or leave of absence.