Central Hospital
Paducah Ky March 18th 1863
To his Excelency
Richard Yates Governor of Illinois
A soldier takes the liberty to address you a letter hopeing that his presumption will be excused from the fact that he is an Illinois Soldier and a suffering one well knowing that such have your sympathy and many your assistance. he has been unfit for the duties of a soldier, over three months from Chronic disease is a druggist by profession and is employed in that capacity in this Hospital at the present time but his disease grows worse and he fears that his health will be permanently injured if he remains in this climate and as health is all he has to depend upon for the support of a Wife & Child that is very dear to him he would ask that you have him sent to some northern Hospital in your state as an Hospital Steward or into the medical Purveying department.
As to his moral and Business qualifications he would respectfully refer to "Col H. Dougherty" Comdg this Post John C. Norton Surg in Charge, Central Hospital and G. W. C. Callen A. A. Surg in Charge hopeing the above may meet your approval he will remain your
Obedient Servt
W. C. Langford
Co. "L" 2d Ills Cav.
Wm C. Langford
Co. L 2d Ill Cav.
Paducah Ky March 1863
Wishes to be transferred to some hospital in Illinois has not been fit for duty for 3 months and wishes the Governor to assist him.
Ansd April 3.
Recd Ex O March 30 1863