The Illinois Legislature have a measure before them designed to prevent the coming of negroes into that State. Persons who bring them there are to be liable to fine and imprisonment, and the negroes to be SOLD(!), the purchasers being authorized to flog or imprison them in case they will not work.
Camp Near Falmouth
Apl. 3d, 1863
Gov. Yates
Dear Sir
Pardon me for troubling you but as I belong to Ill, I take a great deal of interest, in anything connected with the state.
I read the enclosed scrap today and I would like to ask if the statement be true, and if it has your favor.
Most Respectfully
Frank S. Halliday,
Co. G. 2d. Regt. R. I Vol.
Ansd Apl. 15, 63
Frank S. Halliday
Co G. 2nd Regt R I. V.
Washington D.C.
Wants to know if the Act introduced authorizing sale &c of negroes coming into the State has become a law and if the Gov. favors it.
The Bill for an act of the character mentioned in the extract was defeated much to the satisfaction of the republican party who opposed it
Recd Ex O April 13 1863