Morris Illinois
April 13 1863
To His Excellency
Richard Yates
Governor of Illinois
Dear Sir, At my request the Hon John W Newport introduced a Resolution into the House of Representatives, authorizing the Governor to appoint three persons to investigate the cause of the "Milk Sickness," &c.
Mr. Newport died shortly after his return home, and before I had any conversation on the subject with him. Did the Legislature pass said Resolution? And did Mr Newport hand you the Medical Examiner, for October, 1861, containing a letter of mine to the late Dr. Kennicutt, giving him my observations on said subject, and
my opinion of what produces this "Milk Sickness"? The information contained in said letter will be of use to the persons that you may please to appoint to make the investigation; if the Examiner is not in your possession, I have one copy left, which you can have.
Yours very respectfully
Geo Fisher
Ansd Apl. 15 63
George Fisher
Morris Ills April 13 188863
Wishes to know if the Legislature passed the resolution to appoint three persons to investigate the cause of Milk Sickness - says he has one copy left of the Medical Examiner which contains letters that will be useful to that committee
not passed
Recd Ex O April 13th 1863