A man attends a speech fest at North Side Hall featuring popular Republican reformist Graeme Stewart. Each panel illustrates the man's frustration as the event goes later into the night and Stewart does not appear. The final panel shows the man the…
The eight panel cartoon shows Czar Nicholas II hanging a sign reading "The Hague Peace Tribunal to Peacably Settle All Internation Difficulties" in the first panel. The following panels show seven international conflicts occurring after the…
The four panel cartoon shows Sherlock Holmes investigating the money trail in the Lorimer Scandal and looking for additional legislators who accepted bribes for votes.
A man appears in two panels with his family, the first at rest and the second washing clothes. The bottom two panels depict him traveling the city on a street car and walking.
This three-panel cartoon demonstrates rising financial support for World War I in the United States through the Liberty Loan program as the political atmosphere in Austria-Hungary deteriorates. The top panel shows a man dropping coins into a bucket…
Interested parties watch and wait for the 1916 election results. President William Taft sits in the audience reading a book on fishing. Taft was not a candidate in the 1916 presidential election.
James Harahan and Edward Harriman kick Suyvesant Fish out a window only to have him return in the second panel. They throw him out an adjacent window in the third panel but he returns through a transem window in the fourth panel.Stuyvesant Fish,…
A man stands in the lower left corner gesturing to a hot air balloon labeled "Hearst Balloon" carrying political candidates Hopkins and Burke in the top panel. The center panel shows the balloon falling quickly with the two men clutching at its…
President William Taft portrays Mahomet, attempting to attract the mountain of sentiment in favor of further reducing the tariff downward to come to him using a speech on the progress of tariff reduction he gave in Winona, Minnesota. As the mountain…
In the top panel a small boat carrying one person and four cannons is hit by an explosion. In the second panel the man is searching for an unknown target while at sea. The lower panel shows the man rowing his repared boat loaded with a torpedo…
The top three panels show workers lining up to fill large bags of money in front of houses and the Socalists' Headquarters. In each panel the number of bags, size of the line, and size of the Socialists' Headquarters grows while the size and number…
The top panels show a crowd yelling "What's th' matter with Wilson!!". The middle panel shows a family attempting to eat from bowls labeled "prosperity" while three men in dark clothing line up with bills for payment. The bottom panels show a man…
Two men discuss plans for the City Beautiful movement in six vignettes. The top three vignettes show the excitement of both men. The fifth vignette displays a money bag labeled "self interest" whispering "Look out! It will cost you money" into one…
Seven men stand in an arena in front of a gentleman labeled "Mr. Larkin." The crowd looks to Mr. Larkin who gives the men the "thumbs down" gesture and signals for them to leave while a policeman rushes forward with a large hook.Political cartoonist…
In the top two panels, a man representing the World War Adjusted Compensation Act, also known as the Bonus Bill, sits in the waiting room of "Dr. Congress" for several years. In the bottom panel, a man rushes in carrying papers labeled "Tariff Bill"…
A large crowd cheers for Grover Cleveland, lending their support for a possible third nomination for president in 1904.Alton B. Parker, a New York judge, ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1904 against newspaper tycoon William R.…
Large crowds race into Chicago's City Series between the Cubs and the White Sox where the stadium marquee reads "ciTy seRies." A political representative chases one crowd member labeled "Silent Voter" and bearing a striking resemblance to Theodore…
In the top panel a man representing the Monroe doctrine stands at a train station while the station master, labeled "Constructive Criticism" flags fown the approaching League of Nations Covenant train. The second panel shows two American soldiers on…
In the top panel several bulldogs with tags reading "food control," "coal control," "profits control," "price control," "drink control," and "ships and R.Y. control" guard the public funds building while profiteers wonder if the dogs will stay after…
Six vignettes feature people asking Secretary of the Interior Richard Ballinger if there is truth to rumors of his pending resignation. In the final vignette he responds "Not a word of truth in it."On March 11, 1911, the Secretary of the Interior…
A large line of soldiers stand in line to subscribe for war bonds in front of a baseball-like scoreboard tracking war bond subscriptions by infantry and batallion. A soldier in the lower left corner states "They are willing to give their money as…
A man presents the U.S. Senate with a railroad rate Regulation bill approved by the president, pupit, press, and people which the Senate rejects. A tycoon then brings a ship subsidy bill condemned by the president, press, and public and the Senate…
The upper panel illustrates a partially-filled Senate where legislators are reading the newspaper and yawning during debate on the Phillippines. In the lower panel, the full Senate attends and actively participates in discussion on a ship subsidy…