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Joseph Cannon sits for a portrait wearing a suit.
George Reed poses for a portrait wearing a suit.On verso: "Eustace Glen Reed's grandfather Reed, Irma and Helen's great grandfather, Katherine's and [Sladder's] great great grandfather Reed."
Rachel Briggs Simpkins Thurman, wife of Maquon-based farmer Carey Trumbull Thurman, poses for a portrait wearing a dark dress with a cane in her lap.On verso: "Born 1823, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, died 1890."
"Aut" Simpkins and an unidentified man pose for a portrait on either side of a cast iron furniture piece. On verso: "'Aut' Simpkins and the fledgling at 16."
John "Shad" O'Hearn (bottom left), Bill Mollick (bottom right), E. G. Reed (top left), "Chet" Little (top, middle), and Clyde Jones (top right) pose for a portrait dressed in cowboy clothing.
Ten verse song and chorus sung to the tune of '"The Gay and Happy.'" "Composed by J. S. Conklin, Company A, Engineer Reg't." Lyrics depict Illinois army Volunteers singing about pride and happiness to fight for the Union army under Henry Halleck and…
Agricultural student Gregory Gabriel of Constantinople, Turkey, student, sits for a portrait at Illinois Industrial University. On verso: "G. Gabriel, an Armenian from Constantinople, Turkey."
A fence and several trees surround the main building of the Monticello Female Seminary.
Adlai Stevenson II, in the role of a psychologist, takes notes from his patient, Dwight D. Eisenhower's Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, in the spirit of bipartisanship.Cartoon dedication: "With best regards to Mr. Adlai Stevenson - Paul…
The cover depicts a log cabin with "Kentucky" above it in quotations and "The Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln" below. First page of score displays the description "The Home of Lincoln and Clay" below the song title. Henry Clay was Lincoln's political…
George Constantine presents Abraham Lincoln with a Greek translation of The Pioneer Boy, and How He Became President by William Makepeace Thayer. This letter is glued to the inside front cover of the book. The book also contains a letter from Thayer…
A soldier, possibly Alvin C. Larson of Company A, 1st Infantry, Illinois National Guard, at Camp Lincoln, Springfield, poses for a photo in front of his tent.

Illustrated three verse song written in stereotypical 19th century African American dialect. Lyrics depict singer speaking as Topsy from "Uncle Tom's Cabin."
Illustrated three verse song and chorus about a young soldier wounded in the Battle of Antietam (September 17, 1862) who relates a dream he had of his mother comforting him.
Subtitled "Elegy on the death of Abraham Lincoln," the song mourns the loss of Lincoln.
Republican campaign songs urging the country to elect Lincoln to the presidency in 1860. Publication entitled "The Campaign," originally included two songs: "We See the Break of Day" and "Freedom's Call." Only the later song is contained in the sheet…
The cover presents "2 Lincoln Republican Songs": "We see the break of day" and "Freedom's Call"; however, only the first song is contained in this copy of sheet music.

Less than 3 weeks after he shot Booth in the Garrett barn, Thomas P. (Boston) Corbett writes to his brother Eddy describing his military service, his capture, imprisonment at Andersonville and complains that "I did not get my discharge from the…
A portrait of farmer and physician James Y. Alkire.
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