James M. Warren,
Attorney & Counselor at Law,
And Collecting Agent,
Elizabethtown, Ill.
Law Office of James M. Warren,
Elizabethtown, Ill., 6th May 1861
Hon. Richard Yates
Springfield Ill.
Dear Sir,
Mr. Charles M Ferrill informs me that some two months since he sent you a petition signed by some sixty or seventy persons asking you to appoint him to the Office of Notary Public and Public Administrator of this (Hardin) County, but has not been able to hear any thing from you since. He asks me to write you upon the subject. Now, Mr. Ferrill was not one of our party at the last Presidential Canvass, he was a Douglass democrat. He is now one of the most devoted Union men we have in our country. He is for the administration, and says that Mr. Lincoln is doing now, what ought to have been done long since, he is no simpothiser. I will say to you, that Mr. Ferrill is eminently qualafied for the Office asked for. A gentleman in whom you may safely rely, such an appointment will be satisfactory with me, and every Republican in this County. My name does not appear on his petition for the reason I was away from home at the time.
We have a good many Tories about us, but the Union Cause is gaining ground every day. We apprehend trouble with our Kentucky Neighbors, hear on the border. our Malitia has not been organised yet, our frend Ferrill
has been elected Col. for this county and as soon as he gets his Commission he will proceed to organise.
Yours Truly
Jas M Warren.
J. M. Warren
for appointment of C. M. Ferrill as Notary Public.
Gov. Yates,
Mr. Ferrill has been commissioned.
O. M. Hatch.
Sec State.