Beloit Wis May 12th 1861
Gov Yates
Dear Sir
A son of mine in Chicago
joined A cavalry co. some three weeks since; they
elected their Cap't and sent him to Springfield to get
their co accepted; which was not done; But was told
or ordered to pick 25 of the best men out of the Co and
send them to Springfield; He (my son) wrote me he
was one of the happy number and should leave Chicago
on Wednesday the 8 inst; they got already and within
an hour of the time were told that not having received
the "pass" would have to wait 24 hours; the next
day 20 of them were detailed to go to Cairo with 130
horses loaded watered and fed them; And just as the cars
were to start - they were called down and five of them
taken off expecting to go to Springfield After they arrived at
the Hall; the captn told them that he had just
received A dispatch from the Gov'r saying send no more
men here and that the five were thrown out
my son being one of the No.; At the expense of his
situation loss of time disappointment, mortification,
with love of country at zero, and A contempt for
those in Authority and for Gov Yates in particular
Not believing that you stoop to so small A matter
as to dismiss five men after they were
ordered to be picked out; I state the facts and
shall be happy to learn that you at least are
not treating our young men who are ready to serve
their country and sacrifice their lives so basely
The Captns name is Barker and they were to serve
in the dragoons.
Yours With Esteem
F. T. Fairbanks
To His Excellency
Gov Yates
F. T. Fairbanks
a successful attempt to make a d-d fool
of himself -