Cave P. O. Franklin Co. Ills.
June 15th 1861
To His Excellency Richard Yates
Governor of the State of Ills
Having been informed that J. M. Clementson States Attorney for the 26th Judicial Circuit of this State has removed from the district and that his office will thereby become vacant We the undersigned your political friends would respectfully recommend to your Excellency and ask the appointment of Edward V. Pierce of Benton to fill said vacancy He being a man of acknowledged ability and the Most Suitable person in the district to fill that office at this time and we most sincerely believe it would give general satisfaction He having heretofore held the office by appointment of his late Excellency Gov Bissell and acquited himself with credit and ability and we believe a better appointment could not be made Hopeing it will meet your approbation
Alex McCreery
John W McCreery
Ashby McCreery
Cyrus McCreery
Concerning apptmt of E. V. Pierce as States Atty. 26th Dist.