Battery "G" 4th U.S. Artillery
Nashville Tenn.
May 14th 1864
I have the honor respectfully to apply to you for a helping hand, in procuring me a position to which I have been unable to reach, not having Influential friends enough, and the Regular service being a very poor place for a man to rise above a Sergeant; - namely, a Commission in some Colored Reg. of Artillery or others. I feel myself capable of filling a worthier position than the one I now hold, & would perhaps be of more service to the Country.
I have lately received an honorable Discharge, and have re-enlisted - There is a gentleman - "Judge Higgins" - of Chicago who has I understand written to you about me. Should you condescent to favor my case I will prove myself worthy of your confidence.
I am sir very respectfully
Your obedient servant E B Weishaar Sergt Batt. "G." 4th U.S. arty
To his Excellency Richard Yates Gov. State of Ill
Weishaar E. B.
Sergt Batt G 4 Art.
Nashville May 14 64
He is Sergt in Regular Army, Wishes to obtain a position in Regiment of colored Troops
Enclose to him recommendation to Gen Thomas
Answered that permits could now be obtained for persons in service & in the field to go before Examining Board but could try and assist him when the restriction is removed &c&c
June 9 '64
Loomis ADC