with Greenberry Wright letter 7/30/64
Tuscola Ill. July 22, 1864
Governor Yates Springfield Ill.
Gov, If one half the effective strength of the 135 Ill Vol Regt. choose to enlist for one year under the late call of the President for 500000 men, can it do so, provided it fill up by recruiting to the minimum number by the 5th Sept next. I think quite one half can be enlisted for one year, and am confident the balance of a minimum Regt. can be recruited in this District within the time required. If a speedy arrangment to that effect can be made. I have just arrived at this place and have had some conversation with some of the leading [men?] here who favor such a project if it be practicable, and have no doubt of success. If you favor such a movement please notify me at once, as I shall return to my Regt on the 28th inst. and would like to visit the several Cos. of the 135th that are on the St. Louis & Iron Mountain R.R. as I return to Jefferson City with [view?]
of ascertaining the mind of the men there upon this subject. Should you be favorable to such an effort, I deem it prudent to inform you that a change in present Regimental officers would most likely be effected, for Col. Wolfe told me a few days ago that he would not go into the service any more after the 100 days were out. If my health should permit and such an arrangment is made, I would like to retain some Regimental position in the new Regt. and would also like to see Capt Birt of Co. "A" hold a field office in the same for I regard him as a fine officer and an excellent man.
In hope of hearing from you soon, I am, Gov, very sincerely your friend
Greenberry Wright Major 135th Ill. Inft.
Wright, Greenbery Major 135th Regt Ills
Tuscola Ill July 23d 1864
States that one half of the Regiment will reenlist for one year if they have permission and wishes to retain a field office.
Send orders & Procl. about 100 day troops
Proclamations sent
Write him that as yet not able to tell - The law of Congress under which call was made says the recruits now are to go to the Regts in the field - meaning I suppose the old Regts - Will write him further as soon as advised