Peoria Aug 16th 1864
Dear sir
It is the desire of the officers of the 139th Regiment that Captain H W. Snow of said Regiment receive authority to recruit a Battalion of sharp shooters for the one year service or during the war
I am personally acquainted with Captain Snow and know him to be a gentleman of unimpeachable character. If consistent with the good of the service I believe the appointment of Capt Snow with the requisite authority would give universal satisfaction
With great respect
Yours very truly
E C Ingersoll
To His Excellency
Richard Yates
Governor of Ills.
Ingersoll E. C.
Peoria, Ills
Aug. 16th 1864
He states that it is the desire of 139th regiment that Captain H W Snow receive authority to raise a Batallion of men for one year or during War. Recommends him for the position.
Answered Aug 24 1864
With him would be most happy but no authority is given to recruit The whole plan is explained in Proc sent you