Charles Miller to Richard Yates


Charles Miller to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










U.S. Christian Commission sends this as the Soldier's messenger to his Home. Let is hasten to those who wait for tidings.

"Behold! Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation."

Central Office: 11 Bank Street, Philadelphia.

Branch Office: No. 500 H Street, Washington

January 10th 1865

Saint Louis. Mo. U.S. Marine Hospidal

To his Exlencey Govenner Richard Yates of Springfield Illinois

My Dear Sir I Take my Pen in hand to Inform you that I am Enjoying very good Health at Present and hope this may fiend you Enjoying the same good Blissing well I must tell you Something abought my Voating at home last October oh I mene last November well my Voat was Chanlanaged by a Coperhead he Told Them I had

no Right to voat for the Ledurelature had passed an Act not Allowing Illinois Soldiers to voat but he soon found out very Diferent when we told him so and I showed the letter from you that I got in July so when I came out of the Corthouse This Very man Wanted to beate me for Voating for old Abe so I got some more boys to help me so myself and Five more Soldiers went down To the Corner to wate for him so here he Come with a new Pair of Boots on his Arm so he come up to me and wanted to strike me so I took out my Revolver and Told him To stand off from me or I would shoot him so he Grabed at it but he did not get so we all sprung at

him and he run But we caught him and we more Then went for him you can bet your last Dollar on it Well what I wanted to Write to you for is to let you know how my officers Treat me I have had my Discriptive list sent for now Eight Times and it aint come yet. I Think it wont come neather at This Rate Well I still Remane the same old Charles Miller of Co "H" 5th Illinois Cavalry Volunteers

So I close by Congratulateing you through your Entire Wellfair So no more This Time

Yours most Respectfully

Charles Miller

Miller Chas.


St Louis Jan 10/1865

A friendly letter.



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