Cyrus Hall to John M. Snyder


Cyrus Hall to John M. Snyder


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Shelbyville Illinois Aug 26th 1864

Col John Snyder

Springfield Ills

Dear Friend John Will you be so kind as to inform me of the descision of the War department concerning the raising of a Regiment of Cavalry I am anxious to enter the service again and if the Cavalry Regiment fails to be raised then Consider me in for the first Regiment of any kind raised in the State except the Alton Regiment

Please use your Influince with his Excellency in my behalf I feel that I have rendered Service Sufficient to warrant my boldness in asking for Such a position, I presume that the Gov is Satisfied of my ability to command a Regiment and I am not uneasy but I can get the Vote of the Officers of almost any regiment that may be brought to gather from the Centrail portion of Illinois

All quiet in Shelby County. Clingmans gang

are robing and Commiting depredations in Fayette a neighbor of mine Mr Hosea Funk took dinner yesterday at Mr John Heningers Six miles South West of Vandalia, during his Stay of a few hours this band of robers came to the house got water and after making enquiries for Mr Heninger who was absent proceeded to the Barn and haltered and drove of Seven heads of farm horses Mrs Heninger recognized one of the number as a Tenant who had lived on the farm for three years

Mr Heninger is a Very industrious worthy farmer his only offence consists in his being a Staunch Union Man for this reason alone he is now driven from his home and family and dare not return whilst Such men as follow Clingmans lead are dispoiling him of his property, The fruits of long years of toil and privation

If I had a company of Cavalry I could clean that entire country of thoes desperadoes and the Lord knows that I would like it exceedingly well to do it. I was born and raised in that County and used to be acquainted with Very many of the Cow paths

The Status of the inhabitants I quite well understand. Write me Soon Your Truly

Cyrus Hall

P. S. My compliments to Dr Stephenson hope he has Succeeded in getting his pay

I had a Very pleasant interview with Gen Pane. Was pleased with him hope he will prove the right man in the right place C. H.

Hall. Cyrus Col., Shelbyville Aug 22nd 1864

Wishes to throw the decision of the War Dept. in referrence to the raising of a Cavalry Regt. He want to enter the service again and if the Cavly Regt. is not raised he wants to enter the first Regiment of any kind except the Alton Reg.

Answered August 31 64

Snyder ADC



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