Geneva Aug 27, 1864
Dear Governor
At our Congressional Con
vention held at Elgin yesterday, I took
the liberty of introducing a resolution, or
rather handing it to the committee on Resolu
tions with a request that they report it,
expressing a strong preference for yourself
as next U.S. Senator. The committee
reported it to the convention, and its
reading elicited the most hearty ap
plause. The [leaven?], of which I spoke
in a former letter, showed itself however,
in the person of one or two delegates
from the North western part of the district
- speaking more accurately, from Boone
& McHenry Counties. A motion by one
of them to vote separately upon this
resolution was voted down by an over
whelming majority, not more than four
or five votes being heard in the aff.
The resolution with the others then
passed unanimously -
The only question
in my own mind was as to the propriety of
taking an expression at such a convention.
Upon consultation with Mr. [name] & other
friends, my judgment was that it would
do good. By quietly conversing with
delegates I first made myself reasonably
sure that it would carry largely.
The unanimity and heartiness with
which it passed will exert the best
influence, and at a point where it is
needed. The district is composed of
seven large Counties and the little "State
of Boone" as it is sometimes called -
I think it would be well for
you to speak here if at all [consistent?]. This
being the county seat of a large county
& easily approachable from every direction
and Aurora being supplied this week
by Oglesby, I earnestly hope
you arrange to come. Please let me know
whether you can.
Very truly
Your Friend & obt. Sert
Isaac G. Wilson
Wilson Isaac G
Geneva Aug 27th/64
States that at the
convention he had
a resolution offered
endorsing Gov for
U.S. Senator, which
passed unanimously -
Invites him to come
there to speak.