J. A. Davis and others to Richard Yates



J. A. Davis and others to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Springfield Ill Sept 5"/64

To his Excellency, Governor Yates.

We The undersigned citizens of Wardford Co. have been appointed by the citizens of the several Townships in the county, to secure, if possible as reduction of our quota in the forthcoming draft.

Having thorougly examined the facts in regard to the assignment of our quota, we are satisfied that great injustice has been done, and have, therefore determined to address you setting forth certain facts, and our grievances

From announcements in the newspapers, we understood that Illinois would only be required to furnish 16,000 men. We now find that, instead of the state being considered a unit, Each subdistrict is taken as a unit in apportioning the quotas and consequently that the State is actually to be drafted for 39,000 men

By examining the credits, we find that we are not credited with the actual number of men furnished owing to the inacuracy of the Rolls of /61 & /62

Companies in one county have obtained recruits in adjoining Counties and all have been credited to the county in which the companys were organized.

As a result, one county has an excess another a deficit upon the Rolls, while in fact, each has furnished an equal proportion. Such is the fact in Woodford Co.

While we could not ask the authorities to go back of the Rolls, for evidence of credits owing the interminable difficulties in that method. and while we do not ask to have the excesses transferred to the deficient Counties, we do feel justified in asking as a partial measure of justice, that the deficient Counties be required only to furnish the actual deficit of the State by 16,000

The government will thus obtain the full number of men required from the State, the deficient Counties will get a partial Credit for the men actually furnished, without injustice to the Counties in excess and will still be liable on future calls.

Again, we have only had five days notice of the demands made upon our County

The quota of Woodford, as announced is 569, This would be reduced one half, by the method above suggested. With a reasonable time, we believe that Woodford could raise the number by volunteers. We have heretofore honored all calls upon our patriotism and are not willing to remain behind now. Believing that the liberality with which Illinois has responded to all calls for soldiers, places you in a position to demand of Government, a candid hearing and as far as possible justice. we would respectfully ask that you endeavor to secure a ruling in accordance with the foregoing suggestions, and a postponement of the draft, untill an effort is made to fill the quota by volunteers

Having no other method of bringing our grievances to the notice of the War Dpt. We feel justified in making this appeal to you.

We have the honor to be, very Respectfully Your Obt Servts.

Joseph. T. [Hammius?] James. J. [Meby?] J. W. Davis

L. P. Hereford A. R. Smith James D Perry

Jefferson [Hoshor?] C R Richardson

L L Springgate C. T [Genoway?] John Wells

J. H. Powell William H. Gardner J A Reeder

Hammius J. T.

Davis J. A.

And other Citizens of Woodford Co. ---

Springfield Sept 5/64

State facts Concerning their quotas in the approaching Draft with a view to a reduction of the same

Think great injustice is done &c

Retd by Gov.


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