A. R. Eddy to Richard Yates



A. R. Eddy to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Quartermaster Office Springfield Ill Nov 9 61

His Excellency Richard Yates Gov Ills

Dear Sir As you are aware I was ordered to this station to take charge of the Quartermaster Department & of all the expenditures incident to it. The Department is still in the hands of the State because it is supposed (as I am lead to believe from several conversations with the State authorities) she can and will take better care of her troops than the U.S. I consider myself on duty here for the expected benefit of the Illinois Vols & if the Q.M. Dept. were in my hands I should consider myself bound to answer all proper requisitions made by you for their comfort, and in their care where the U.S. could not give the assistance required, owing to want of necessary law or regulations the State [illegible] still have

it in her power to give it, and the more easily, if she were relieved from the pecuniary obligation that her present position necessitates. If the wants of the State so far as my Department is concerned, are supplied by me it does not prevent you from appointing as many agents, as you may deem proper, to see that the Illinois troops are properly cared for no matter where they may be stationed & their agents would be of great assistance in furthering the objects of the Federal Government. I am willing to take the contracts, that have been made by the State, for all Quartermaster supplies, through Q.M. General [Ward?] presuming them to be reasonable & in compliance with regulations, this remark more particularly applies to the clothing contract as I have personally examined the clothing & find it up to the Army standard. I will also take the supplies on hand, if good enough for the troops, paying for them what the State paid, and I am further willing to send the supplies wherever you may desire and would be pleased if you sent your own agents with them to see that your wishes

are complied with.

The duties of my department are particularly specified in paragraphs 1064-65 of the revised regulations.

I beg your Excellency to understand that I recommend the transfer of the Q.M. Department to my hands solely from a sense of duty to the U.S. and a desire to do all in my power "to assist the State Authorities"

Resfy Yr Servt

A. R. Eddy


P.S. I have to acknowledge the reception of a note last evening from you through Judge Thomas and to assure you that though the money referred to was turned over to me unconditionally, it will be expended by me to reimburse the State of Illinois in accordance with my instructions. I extremely regret that the money was directed by the Federal Authorities to be put in my possession. A.R.E.

Capt Eddy Nov 9.1861 (long letter)



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