State of Illinois
Executive Department.
Springfield, April 5, 1862
Col. L. H. Waters
Dear Sir
Since I recd yours of March 26, I have seen Col. Kellogg and conversed with him. He says he will not probably resign before first of May. He seemed to think (while however he spoke well of you) that it would be very doubtful whether your appointment would give satisfaction---Lt. Col. Prince, Major Applington, Rawalt & others already spoken of in that connection.
I am much inclined to think that your best way would be to go Gen. Grant, Gen. McClernand & others & see whether you could not find an opening in some of the Regiments where your appointment would give satisfaction.
If so inclined I could give
you strong letters to them and if they could not give you a good place you could perhaps finds some regiment which would be satisfied with your appointment. It is too long any how for you to wait for Kellogg to resign as he himself does not want to resign till the big fighting is over
Truly Yours
Richd Yates
Copy to
Col. L. H. Waters
April 5