State of Illinois Executive Department Springfield may 11th 1865
Dear Governor: Your letters of the 9th instant came to hand this morning. I have seen Col Williams and we have arranged to inform all parties interested in the "Yates Testimonial Fund" that their "certificates" will be sent as soo as received. The Col thinks the money should not be refunded, but an effort made to have it a success, and in case it should fail, you can donate it to some charitable institute which would give entire satisfaction to all.
I send you my "blue book" by
express, which I hope will give you the information desired, also your mail which has been accumulating for several days.
I hardly know in what shape I could make the account you spoke of, although it would be a "God send" to me now, as I am considerably behind financially, having purchased a home in Springfield. I certainly wish to pay you the notes you hold against me, although I do not remember anything about the amount.
I hope to see you soon, am very pleasantly situated here at present, and always ready to render you any service
in my feeble power.
With love to Mrs Yates, Katie & Dickey I am Very Truly Yours Jno M Snyder
Hon Richard Yates Jacksonville Ill