US General Hospital Keokuk Iowa July 29th 1865
Hon. Richd Yates
Dear Sir,
Your note of the 22d inst come to home in due time but owing to a pressure of business I have been obliged to defer an answer.
In reply I have to state that the papers of James E. Richardson for discharge have been partly made up and are awaiting the action of Department Head Quarters. He would have been discharged before but he was not in a condition to travel and under treatment. His papers will be [completed?] in the course of a week
For the favor of the pamphlet containing the account of your home reception I am much obliged. I can endorse all that was said in your favor and [illegible] my [illegible] admiration of the
brilliant administration of yourself of the affairs of one of the largest states in this glorious republic during a time that [took?] the utmost energies of the best men of the nation; as well as my profound gratitude for your personal favors in the first year of the war, and since. As an Illinoisan I too feel inspired with a feeling of pride in the record our state has made for itself during this memorable struggle for liberty and equality of all men and to your own good sense and executive ability we are all indebted for such results. In the conferring of additional honors and [illegible] of your further services on her behalf the state has not shown a proper appreciation of her own interests, and of what was due on return, from her to one of her eminent sons for faithful labor done
I have the honor to be very respectfully Your obedient servant M.K. Taylor surgeon, US [illegible]
M. K. Taylor
Surgeon in Charge
Keokuk, Iowa
Relative to the discharge of James E. Richardson - will be done as soon as Department [Headq?] is heard from