Head Quarters District of Illinois, Springfield, Ill, Aug 15th 1865. Dear Governor When I last parted with you in Chicago, in a conversation upon the subject of promotion, you thus signified your willingness to use your influence with the President and Secy of War for a Navel appointment for me. The vast numbers who have contributed no more than I have (to say the least) towards the preservation of the Union that have been the recipients of such distinguished honors leads me to hope that through your influence I may be made a [illegible] Maj. [illegible]. the points in my military history are better known to you than anyone else and I am satisfied that would you interest yourself in the matter, my promotion would be accomplished. I have not nor ----will I seek the influence of any other than your self feeling confident that the application made by you in my behalf will meet a favorable response from both the [illegible] & Secy of War. I hope you will accede to my request and increase the already great debt of obligation I am under to you. All regret that you cannot be here to join in the welcome to be given to the 114th. With the highest regard I am your obdt. servant John Cook To the Hon. R. Yates [U.S.S.?] Jacksonville Ills