General Head Quarters, State of Illinois.
Adjutant General's Office
Springfield, April 7 1863
Dear Governor
Col [Henry?] has called upon me
to day and informs me that you are anxious to
know my final determination concerning my
remaining in my office. I have been con
fined to my bed for over two weeks and my
Fathers life has been in extreme [illegible] du
ring that time. I am therefore in no con
dition to write you fully, but I very much
regret I shall be unable to see you before you
leave, for [Henry?] says you leave Tuesday. If
however my Father should have a comfort
able night I shall leave for Springfield to
morrow & reach Springfield Wednesday morning.
As I informed you when we last met
I intended to visit when returning from
the office on the Adjournment of the Legislature
From a conversation with Gen [Huffman? Hoffman?]
while you were absent I learned that you
exprefsed a desire & opinion that I would
remain longer and I therefore changed my
mind & contemplated remaining until after
the June Sefsion of the Legislature. In
the mean time I could close out all un
finished businefs and get my report published
& the reports of Quarter Masters & Com
mifsary [Genels?] ready for publication
This is my present purpose if you so
desire - otherwise not.
Extremely regretting that I am not
able to accompany you south and sincerely
wishing you a safe and pleasant journey
I remain
Very truly
Your Obt Sevt
Allen C Fuller
Ad Gen
From -
Genl. Allen C. Fuller in
regard to the appointment
of his succefsor as Adjt
Gnl State of Illinois