H. Childs to Richard Yates



H. Childs to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Chicago Mechanical Bakery Company,

Manufacturers of

Fancy Boston Crackers, Butter Crackers, Boston Crackers, Wine Crackers, Picnic Crackers, Graham Crackers, Soda Crackers, Lemon Crackers, Water Crackers, Sugar Crackers, Hard or Pilot Bread, by Berden's Oven and Automatic Machinery.

Wheaton, June 13th 1863

Du Page County Ills,

Hon. Richard Yates

Dear Sir

The people of this County have & hold a public Council of the loyal League this day on the Fair Grounds at this place. There were more people assembled than ever before on any occasion in our thickly settled little County. The meeting was addressed by Hon. Thomas B. Bryan & Hon. George C. Bates of Chicago. "The people were of one accord in one place".

A resolution was unanimously passed amid great cheering expressing heartfelt Satisfaction at your unbounded devotion to the Cause that occupies every patriots heart.

and for your noble efforts to releive our brave soldiers, and also expressing our great joy on account of your wise and timely use of Constitutional power in prorogueing a legislatur Composed of anti patriots and corrupt men, and thus releiving the minds of our people from apprehension and anxiety.

Governor imagine if you can two thousand loyal men & women cheering enthusiastically at the mention of the integrity ability and fidelity of their State executive and let it give you fresh courage for new trials and conquests over the enemies of our Common humanity.

Governor do not hesitate to call upon the loyal people of glorious Illinois for whatever money you may need. Money is dross weighed against our cause.

The people confide in you and they will sustain you. The Voice of ten thousand in one little County.

Faithfully Yours

H. C. Childs

Chairman of meeting

File Legist (IR") Prov.

Childs H

Wheaton June 13th 1863.

The people of that county have held a public meeting and have unanimously passed resolutions expressing heartfelt satisfaction at the Governors devotion to the cause that occupies every patriots heart and for his noble Efforts to relieve our brave soldiers Also Expressing great joy on account of Proroging the Legislature.

Recd Ex O June 17' 1863.



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