A. B. Barrett to Richard Yates



A. B. Barrett to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Mt Vernon Ills Feb 3 1864

His Excellency

Gov Yates. Dear Sir

The call for more men has just reached us. I wrote you yesterday renewing proposition for raising a Regiment; which I submitted to your Honor about year ago. I had expected to go to Springfield today; but believing a statement of facts all that is necessary, have concluded to transmit the same in writing. I inclose communication addressed to Post Masters, which will explain to your Honor the plan contemplated. If in your judgement the plan is judicious, and would likely prove successful, in time to secure present Bounty; please fill the blanks, and telegraph the same to Tribune and Democrat without delay and hand a copy to the Journal,

also let it have the benefit of your official sanction, and large influence.

Of course I would like to have the Colonelcy, but am willing for the center or northern part of the state to have that office; Being the originator of the movement, I think it would not be presumption to ask, and expect the Lieut Colonelcy, or Major's position. The Democrats of this county have furnished a Col. and a Lieut Col. It seems to me that the Republicans ought to be allowed at least a Lieut Col. or Major.

The plan, if successful, will doubtless secure a Regt of earnest, working, and I trust fighting Republicans.

If you decide that we have time, and that the plan is judicious, and would likely prove successful, please act promptly.

Whether you decide for or against the practicability of the movement, I should be pleased to hear from

your Honor at your earliest convenience.

I remain sir with much respect your Honor's Obt Servt

A. B. Barrett


I inclose Testimonials, personal of which I feel some pride, being signed as it is by our leading and (most of them) most (sure?) [substach?] citizens of the County, representing a large amt of wealth and influence. They signed it cheerfully and willingly


Post Masters of Illinois

There are over 1400 of us in the State. I propose to make one, out of one hundred of them, who will raise ten or more men each, and meet at on the day of to form a Regiment. We have all earnestly supported the Administration, and as earnestly contended for the suppression of this unholy rebellion. Let us, like men "prove our faith by our works". Let each PM who acceeds to the proposition, telegraph his name and address to the Ills Journal, Tribune, and MO Democrat; the list to be published daily; and when fifty are secured, let us go to work to raise the men, while the balance of names and men are coming in. Let us raise a Regiment that will be an honor to already glorious Illinois.

The greatest promptness is necessary to succeess.

AB. Barrett, PM, Mt. Vernon


Letter to Gov

Abstract & [Refer?]

Barrett A B.

Mount Vernon

Febry 3 1864

The call for more troops has reached them. He wishes to organize a Regiment. Encloses a proposition to the Post Masters of the State each to raise ten men. Wishes to hear from the Governor immediately.

Col [P?] answer fully & carefully

Gen Fuller

Propose answer for me to send to Barret. he is one of our first men South. do not delay as he is in a hurry. His plan is a good one & would win I think if we had authority.

Recd A G. O Feby. 11. 1864

Executive Office Feby 6 64



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