Washington D. C. January 14th 1864
The young man Brelsford for whom you asked the appointment when here has received his commission.
For Mrs. Dugger I tender you thanks for your kindness in this matter.
Be assured Governor, that for your many acts of kindness to me and my friends I shall be ever grateful. You have been to me a friend indeed and I assure you that you can always command my poor services.
I read with pleasure and pride your beautiful eloquent and patriotic address before the Teachers Convention. Illinois will remember with gratitude the eminent services you have rendered our country during the long and bloody war through which we are now passing. Yes Governor still higher honors await you at her hands.
I am Governor Very Respectfully Your Obt Sevt James Fishback
To His Excellency Gov R Yates Springfield Ills
Fishback James Washington Jany 14 64
Friendly letter, compliments Governors speech before Teachers Association
Abstract & file Private
Executive Office Jany 26 64