In the Field. Ga, Near Atlanta
Hd Qrs 112th Ill. Vols July 1864
His Excellency
Richard Yates Governor of Illinois
The undersigned officers of Illinois Regiments now serving in the Department of the Ohio disclaiming any desire to interfere with your privileges as Governor or any intention to doubt your patriotism, or watchful care for the interests of our soldiers in the field, beg respectfully to submit for the consideration of your Excellency, the following considerations touching the disposition to be made of the troops about to be raised in our State under the late call of the President
It seems to us that it is all important that the new troops should be so disposed of as to make them available at the earliest practicable moment, our Country needs men at once. Will it be wise to organize as is being done in some States, new Regiments, waste the precious time that will neccessarily be wasted in such organizations, when by assigning these new men to Regiments in the field, you place them under officers of experience, and at once surround them with experienced comrades who can teach them how to cook, sleep, march and fight, whilst you strenghthen
and encourage the veteran soldiers by filling the broken ranks of his Regiment
As you are aware the Illinois Regiments now in the field, are very much depleted, the Veteran Regiments added to the depletion caused by the accidents of the service, those of their original members who did not re-enlist
They appeal to you, to whom they have never appealed in vain, to give them the physical strength that they may strike more crushing blows for our Country arround whose altar so many of their comrades---Illinois sons have fallen.
Thos. J. Henderson Colonel
Lt. Col Emery S. Bond
Surg. L. S. Milliken
C. DE. H. Jones. Asst Surg 112 Ill
Wesley Phillips Asst Surg 112 Ills vols
A A Dunn Capt. Co. D.
S F Otman Capt Co E
E H Colcord Jr Capt Co K
John Gudgel Capt. Co, B,
James McCartney Capt Co G
G. W. Sroufe Capt Co A
C. W Brown 1st Lt Co E
Thos F Davenport 1st Lt Co H
Alex. P. Petrie 1st Lieut Co. C 112nd Ill
George W Lawrence 1st Lt Co "I" 112d. Ills
James S Armstrong 1st Lt. Co. F 112d Ills.
Bradford F. Thompson 1st Lt Co "B" 112nd Ills
Jacob Bush 1st Lt Co "K"
Thos E. Milchrist 1st Lt Co "G"
James H. Clark 2d Lt. Co D.
Jesse Newman 2nd Lt Co H
S. W. Weaver 2nd Lt Co K
Wm. L Spalding Lt Co G 112 Ills
I hereby certify that the above are all the officers of the 112th Regt Ill. Vols now present with the Regiment
Emery S. Bond
Lt. Col Comdg
112th Regt. Ill. Vols.
Henderson Col Tho. J. & others
112th Ill Vols
Atlanta July 27th 64
Memorial in relation to the disposition of new Troops
Proclamations sent Aug 19 1864