D. Richards to Richard Yates



D. Richards to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Chicago Aug 17. 1864

Dear Governor

Your letter of the 8th I have just received. My mail matter goes into Mr Bas's box at the P.O. and consequently I hardly ever call at the "General Delivery." Yours did not get into the box. hence the delay in getting it, and yours in receiving an answer.

Very much obliged to you Governor for your call and also for your frank and candid letter. The kind of politics that needs no concealment, especially from one's friends, I go for Every time. Thus of Course I admire your letter.

I had heard that Washburn would be a Candidate for the United States Senate, but have never had a word from him upon the Subject. He Called at my office this week, and he said nothing to me about it so that I can fairly presume you are right in saying that he "has no idea" of being a candidate. I must confess Governor, (to try and be as candid as yourself) that had Washburn persisted in being a Candidate for that office I should have felt somewhat embarrassed.

Living in the same district, and same part of the State, and above all, his uniform kindness, acts of friendship and tenders of favors masked and beyond what I could accept, my religion admonishes me that

Mr Washburne is entitled to, friendly Consideration at least, from me.

But as Mr Washburn is not a candidate, with me it relieves the subject of some embarrassment, and I presume nobody else will be thought of Governor for that office but yourself.

I don't think we will have half the difficulty in uniting in the Support of a candidate, that we will have in arriving at that very desirable condition where we Shall feel that we need a Candidate for that office. And I rejoice to hear that you are, as you ever have been, in the harness, and in the contest. I must say Governor that I fear we shall loose the State - probably not on Governor, but I wish I could believe we were in no danger of loosing the legislator. But I presume you know far better what the prospect is than I do.

Yours Respectfully

D Richards

Hon Richd Yates

Richards D, Chicago Aug 17th 64

Is glad Mr Washburn will not be a candidate for Senate for if he should he would feel some embarrassment in supporting anyone else, as he has always been so friendly to him &c. He thinks there will be a unity on you for the position



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