Richard Yates Gov. of Illinois
McLeansboro Aug 22nd, 1864
Dear Sir
Yours 18 insi duly recd. In reply I beg leave to give the following names -
Wilson Lewis [Crouch?] [Precinct?] P.O Belle city
Miles Carter Beaver Creek do [Precinct] [P.O.] Logansport
Thos Macgraves Crook do [Precinct] [P.O.] McLeansboro
A. W. Gott Vickers do [Precinct] [P.O.] Sacramento White Co.
Edw. Dawes Allen do [Precinct] [P.O.] Rectorville
Wm C. Pemberton Flanagan do [Precinct] [P.O.] Griswold
Hosea Vise Kings Prairie do [Precinct] [P.O.] Macedonia
Herndon Harrelson do [Kings Prairie Precinct] do [P.O.] Knights Prairie
Simon D. McCoy Shelton do [Precinct] [P.O.] Lovilla
T. S. Lockhart Town [Precinct] do [P.O.] McLeansboro
William Craig do [Town Precinct] do [P.O.] do [McLeansboro]
We are sadly in want of good plain speakers. I am of opinion that a thorough canvas by a union democrat would redeem this county. Sam Marshall's influence is yet strong it is difficult to get Egyptians out of the old track there is much of the old idle restless southern spirit still lingering among the people---they require waking up---we few
republicans have not the talent nor the means to make an effective canvas we do all we can.
Resp and for the cause ever
Wm. Rickcords
Rickords Wm.
McLeansboro Ills Aug 22nd 64
Gives list of prominent Union men in Hamilton County.