Ann Arbor Michigan Oct 11th 1864
Governor Yates
Dear Sir
I am a resident of Exeter Scott County Illinois in the 10th Congressional District.
Scott Co has always been Democratic-& also has the District.
The opinion of some of the prominent men of the Co. is that if they work hard between this & the 8th of Nov.- and make every vote count at that time that the Co. will have a union majority - and perhaps the Co will turn the scale in the District - the District in the State. The State in the United States - and Abraham & Richard the 2nd will be elected.
I am attending medical lectures at this place - Am 22 years of age - & never voted. I want to cast my first vote for Lincoln & Johnson and Rich J Oglesby - and to do so would cost me $40. which I cannot afford if I continue to attend Med lectures - Now if you can find it consistent with your duties as Governor of the State of Ill to furnish me with a free Pass over the Rail Road; home and to return to this place I will be under lasting obligations for the favor. If I am asking too much I humbly beg your pardon for this intrusion on your Excellency.
If I am not please furnish the aforesaid pass and Receive the obligations of -
Thomas N. Stewart Ann Arbor Michigan
To His Excellency Richd Yates
If you send the pass please send it so that I can start home this Friday before the election
Stewart Thos N. Ann Arbor Mch Oct 11th 64
He is confident that it will require every vote to carry Scott Co in the coming Election and hence he wants to vote.
He cannot afford to leave his studies here for that purpose and pay $40 to go home & back hence he wants Govr to send him a pass over the Rail Roads to go home to vote