POST OFFICE, Monmouth, Ills., Dec 16th 1864
His Excellency Gov Yates Springfield Ills
Dear Sir
Our friend Judge Pitt Kellogg called upon me night before last in reference to U. S. Senator. I wrote Hon James H. Martin at Young America yesterday, and entertain but little doubt but what his vote can be counted upon for you I will see him soon, and also have some of our friends talk with him also. I had an interview with E + Mayor H. G. Hardin this morning upon the subject with a view of reaching Strain through him. I may succeed. yet I think is not entirely safe to count on his vote
He is now upon a tour in the North end of the State; and may come home prejudiced in favor of Washburn. If any person can hold him level I think it is H. G. Hardin; Geo H. Harding of Chicago can exercise a great influence over him. I write him today upon the subject and will continue my efforts in your behalf until the election.
Truly Yours W H Pierce
Pierce W. H.
Monmouth Dec. 16th 64
Had a call from Judge Kellogg in referrence to U S Senator. Wrote to Hon Jack Martin and thinks his vote can be counted upon for you.
Strain can be secured through H. G. Hardin - and he will write him on the subject.