[Willard?] Hotel, Washington
Novr 16th 1861
Dear Yates,
We have been here several days making daily efforts to get something done. Govr Wood and myself have called at the various Departments, to forward the arming and equiping our troops, I made in your name a requisition for Arms for Col Kelloggs Regiment and got an order on the ordnance officer at New York for Sabres and Revolvers for 1140 men, and have a promise that they shall be sent forward immediately. We tried Genl Meigs this morning for authority to purchase wagons for Ills troops, which we can get if the Wagons are made by the Army regulations, which would net much benefit in mechanics, because they have not the Wagons on hand, nor could they make them in time. The ordnance Dept. and Secretary
Cameron both refused to authorize the purchase of the small cannon [presented?] by Mr Woodruff of Quincy. We then went to Mr Lincoln. Gov Wood Mr Woodruff and myself and pressed the matter earnestly upon Mr Lincoln he sent for Secretary Cameron and gave us an order to the ordnance Dept requiring him to purchase 30 of them for Ills troops. Mr Campbell is here waiting the arrival from Philadelphia of Genl McDougall who promised to assist him in the money matter. Govr Chase is absent and will not return before I leave. Govr Wood and myself will go tomorrow evening for Philadelphia and I have no doubt will be able to make some contract with our friend Sarmiento. Will go then to New York and thence home by last of next week.
Your friend
Martin H. Cassell
Martin H. Cassell.
Washington Nov 16.61
Announcing success of Mission, in some respects, & failure in others.