State of Illinois
Executive Department.
Springfield June 7th 1862
G. H. Penfield. Esq
Dear Sir.
My recollection of the facts relative to your contract with Gen Ripley to deliver to me fourteen batteries of James Rifled Cannon is as follows.
You presented your proposition to Gen Ripley and he after reading, said he would have the contract ready by 12 or 1 O.Clock of that day. I then left the city with the understanding that Gen Ripley had accepted your proposition and that he would make the contract in confirmity with that proposition. If I remember the proposition correctly, I was to be furnished by the Government five hundred rounds to each gun. The guns have done
splendid execution on our various battlefields and I do not understand why there should be unwillingness to carry out the contract
Respectfully Yours
Richd Yates
G. H. Penfield.
June 7. 1862.
State of Illinois
Executive Department.
Springfield June 7th 1862
G. H. Penfield Esq.
Dear Sir
By some miserable blunder of my clerk - I never came to the possession of your letter of April 29th till to day. I read it for the first time ten minutes ago. what you desired me to say was literally true, and I enclose herewith a statement to that effect
Truly Yours
G. H. Penfield.
June 7th 1862