Mary Ann Booth to Junius Brutus Booth, Jr.


Mary Ann Booth to Junius Brutus Booth, Jr.


Mary Ann Booth writes to Junius Brutus Booth, Jr., discussing the news of Edwin and John Wilkes, who are appearing in Richmond and of her son, Joseph, who works in a local theater.


Booth, Mary Ann


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










7 High Str Octr 2nd 1858 My dear June I hope this will find you in good health. I think its 3 mails that I have missed writing to you. & I am afraid Edwin has done the same. When the [last?] mail left he was just leaving Washington - & when he came to Baltimore it was too late & I was almost too late this time, for I only came from the Country to day, and am dreadful tired - Rosalie & I went up on tuesday - to move all our things out - for I have Rented the House & Farm for seven years - at [125?] dollars a year its little enough - but I think it

better than having the House shut up - and the Men who have taken it promise to improve the place. & they pay the Taxes also, it is a perfect Wilderness Now, the Negroes have been there a year - & have paid me nothing yet. Edwin is playing now in Richmond I found a letter awaiting my return - & he says his first night - last Monday - was very good - and he thinks he will do a fine business - John is in Richmond too & Edwin thinks he will get along first rate - he plays some very good parts - he played Richmond in Baltimore

to Edwins Richard - & he acted very well - & looked well & his Voice is so like Edwins you could scarcly tell them apart - [Dave Anderson?] stayed 3 week with Edwin part of the time they went up to the Farm - then he Returned to New York - I did hear he was going back to California - I believe he is sorry he left there - When he first came he talked of going to England - but I think he has given up that Notion. I hope dear little Mary is got quite well, give our loves to her & lots of Kisses I should like to

see her very much - but I suppose you never intend to come here again - God bless you my dear Boy. I wish you were nearer to me so I could see you sometimes - Joseph has a Situation as assistant Treasurer in Baltimore, at the [Dobleday?] St he receives 4 dollars a week, it just about keeps him in [cigars?], John [got 11?] - I hope you will write by return, for I am always anxious to hear from you. You must Excuse the Shortness of this, as I am [hardly?] got over my journey, God in Heaven Bless & guard you my dear Boy, is the Constant prayer of Yr [in margin:] Mother M A Booth



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Original Format

paper and ink
4 p
18 x 12 cm

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