Edwin Booth to Jervis McEntee



Edwin Booth to Jervis McEntee


Edwin Booth reports to Jervis McEntee that his travels continue. Booth, Edwina and Julia are disappointed to not receive letters from home. They had to skip Amsterdam because the dampness of Holland affected Booth and Edwina, but "Julia did not feel it in the least - all places agree with her."


Booth, Edwin


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum











August 18th ‘82

My dear Jervy –

I wrote you from London &, as you directed from your camp in the wilderness, I sent my letter to [Rondout?]. I have no doubt but that another from you, with a host of others we expected here today on our arrival, is following us about Germany & that by the time we are back in London it will catch me.

The girls

Edwina particularly are sadly disappointed at finding nothing here from home; nearly a week since we’ve had a letter. We were obliged to skip Amsterdam (wh I wished so much to see) and get out of Holland as soon as possible on out of the dampness wh affected Edwina, & indeed I, too, felt the bad effects of it; Julia did not feel it in the least – all places agree with her. We stopped last night at [Beringen?] & today had a delightful experience at Castle

Rhinestein, the cosiest & most interesting castle I’ve ever seen – inhabited by the owner’s servant, [as?] [he?] (the Prince somebody) visits it once in a while for a day or two. Why should such places be owned by such folks? An artist or a student should have it. We have had a very good time of it so far – but we have to hurry & that fatigues us. In Switzerland we will stop longer in each place & give up many that we had intended to visit, hoping to do them at some future time. I think I should like to pass the balance of my life in touring Europe

leisurely-with a single male companion. I am a poor hand at caring for others. I require so much looking after myself. I hope your roughing it is over & that you are now having a jolly good time in the wilds. Think of my having to pull through 12 weeks of acting in the villages of England! The thought of it [ruins?] my enjoyment of the present holiday, were it to be in London I should not so much mind. it. Good night! My miserable stylograph is giving out & I must quit. All send love.

Ever yours Edwin.



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Original Format

paper and ink
4 p
18 x 12 cm

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