Aug. 22d '89
The Players
16 Gramercy Park.
Dear Jervis-
I did get both your letters from Mexico and have metaphorically kicked myself many times for not telling you how pleased I was---especially with the first very interesting one. The second referred to my illness---wh threatened to be very serious, but I pulled through---although I found it best to curtail my season---four weeks.
I am all right now, but so weary---nothing seems to rouse me from the lethargy which has prevented me from writing not only to you but my other friends, &
this only, dear Jervy, is the why I have neglected you. I hope you will get in the habit of coming here often, at all events while I am here---at present my visit is but brief, but I'll be acting here in October & you must call after---'tis the best place in town for a quiet, congenial loaf. If I'm not below come to my room above & chat. I will try to frame a business-like reply to your business letter, but doubt if I can do it properly. I have no clear recollection of the Mtge---but have an idea that the amount is $14000 & that part of it is on your lot, am I correct? If what I suggest does not suit just jot down how I can
best serve you in the matter. The papers are in my Boston safe---not here, and it may be a couple of weeks before I go to that city, unless it is necessary you should have them earlier.
I am sorry you are not entirely well, but glad to know that you are happy on your dear old hill-top. Remember me most kindly to all the family with my love to Jervy.
Ever yours