H. G. McPike to Richard Yates



H. G. McPike to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Alton Aug 24 1864

Gov. R. Yates,

Sir:---Your dispatch of yesterday, just came to hand late this afternoon. Consequently could not answer before evening mail.

We have again consulted about the proper course to persue. We learn that while Rogers declares he wants to see the Rebels whipped yet he is against the Administration and all unconstitutional acts: we were not deceived in this. His brother Dr. Rogers who was in the army with the same bitter Democratic prejudices, resigned his place, came home, and is now more bitter than ever. We have looked at the matter in all its bearings, and this is the Conclusion,viz:---Roger's present associates are our bitterest Democrats and wire pullers, and will continue to be---his sympathies have been, and we have good reason to believe will continue to be with them. Our Mayor---Hollister---is his right-hand man and in connection with Dr English. R. P. [Tansey?] & others, it will become thoroughly a Democratic concern

They known what they are fighting for---the control of Madison County---and are putting forth every exertion; for it is their only hope to gain the county

One man only that has been conversed with this morning, can see no danger, and he is H. S. Baker; what his purposes or designs may be we cannot say, but he represents no one here, being considered a halfway man---has never been consulted by the union party. I was instrumental in placing him in the place he has, because he could do us no harm; and if he would could do us some good.

There is no safety here on this border, and in view of coming events to have a man in Command here where there is 1,000 Rebels inside the walls & a large number of graded men from Rebels to Constitutional Democrats outside the walls. There is no safety with a man in Command, who is opposed to the Constituted Authorities. We hope Gen Rosecrans has not become a partisan in this matter. Maj Geo. Abbott has been at work every day to insure the organization of said Regiment. He supposed he was able to Command it, from the appointment which he received, (a copy of which you have) and we had every reason to believe so. The whole matter is a Democratic move and for political purposes. You have the power to defeat it. We are crushed if you do not. With this Regiment in our hands, we are

safe from all dangers. We care much less for other offices, but give us Command. You already know our choice, which has been brought forward with all the strength we have.

The Democrats have withdrawn R.W English for Lt. Col. for fear they would fail to get Command, while our people have suggested Drs. Williams and Gullick as the Surgeons. We want the first or original list if we can get them (you have the list.) for as they disregard the Compromise , we are not bound. But we feel, to have any hope left, we must have Command, let what else go as it may. You know how to manage this matter. Don't let any new quibble defeat the main object, for they are full of them


H. G. McPike & others

You should see Rosecrans immediately if possible for while Abbott is at work, Rogers may also commence moving as Rosecrans has signified he would nominate him & the time is so short to do the work in

among others joining in consultation are

Chas [Dummock>]

J H Murphy

W. C. Flack

J W [Schueppen?]

Dr Quigley

C Edwards

H G McPike

Dr Pierce

J. Gillespie

Dr Rutherford


McPike H. G

Alton Aug. 24/64

In reference to the Alton Regiment



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