David Newson to Richard Yates



David Newson to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Near Salem, Ogn, October 12, 1864

Respected Friend,

Hon. R. Yates.

Perhaps a letter from this far off land, & from one whom you once knew might be acceptable to you. Your time is, no doubt, greatly taken up in overseeing & conducting the State affairs of Illinois. From information derived from the Illinois State Journal, I learn the pleasing intelligence, that, in our Nation's convulsive throes , you have remained true and faithful to our Stars & Stripes--fit emblem of a United & free people. You have grappled with the brood of Copperheads-legitimate descendents of South Carolina Rattlesnakes, of Illinois; and, your course & cause being that of Loyalty; the strong arm of the brave three Illinoians has Sustained you. The Governors of the Loyal States, and our old & worthy fellow citizens - Honest Abe - have had a great & responsible trust confided to their Keeping in those perilous times, when unnatural & murderous men have conspired together, to overthrow & crush the best form of Government on Earth. And, in the absence of all just cause their course is the less justifiable before all Christian people. If you ever formed a favorable opinion of your old friend-the Writer-I hope it will be strengthened by Knowing that I have, from the first, taken the most radical Stand in favor of the Government & Freedom. We of Oregon cannot fight for our good old Government,

but we can speak, & write, and Send large contributions to the Sanitary & Christian Commission in the U. S. and thereby show that our hearts are in the right place. We have here some base Copperheads, who hurra for Jeff & his Bogus Confederacy, and would turn out in Guerrilla Bands, if they durst do so!!

But, under the Loyal Leagues of Oregon, our State is Safe; and she Stands forth with her Loyal Sisters, in moral power & political Union-true to herself & true to the cause of Freedom & right. I am proud to own that I am a Loyal League Man-member of Union League No 21--of the State of Oregon.

Govr A. C. Gibbs is our Grand President. Our brethren are working prosperously and harmoniously in the good cause. Oregon is Safe for Honest Abe, at the ensuing election. We greatly hope that the Rebellion is nearly ended. Blind & undiscerning must be the person, who cannot See the hand of God in the progress of our National affairs. God & the Loyal ones will the emancipation of the African race long-held in Servile chains of Slavery, the most abject, degrading & Servile, Known on Earth. A chain of providence has been extended to us, and we have only to reach forth and follow-link by link-to the consummation

of the great design of an overruling God, who wills that in Christ all are free and equal. The eyes of Billions of our race in America, Europe & Asia are turned towards us. If the Shackles fall from the arms of the oppressed ones amongst us, then the shouts of the millions of the downtrodden ones of Earth will ascend on high, and the throne & crowns of Despots will fall down like the walls of Jericho, and the liberated hosts will go up to political & religious freedom, and Republicanism will triumph & prevail. Who can contemplate with pleasure, the triumph of the Rebels, now in arms against us? But we have the might & the right & and the truth with us, and we must & will prevail. The beginning of the contest was at Fort Sumpter, & the end, I hope, will be in Richmond in a short time. Let us be one people or cease to be a people. The dismemberment of our Republic would be the death Knell of all our hopes, all our greatness, & all our high aspirations, as a people.

The Rebels appear to despair of maintaining a Separate Government & would fain return to our fold again, if they could bring in Slavery as it was before the rebellion!! If the accursed System

of American Slavery is the Sole cause of all our present woes, why Should the viper that has Stung us, be yet nourished & healed of its wounds, and Strengthened for future harm? We never can exist as a happy nation-half free & half Slave! The tie is unnatural-the cement must give way. Compromises & ordinances, popular Soverignty & Mason & Dixons line have not been able to Sustain the mighty outside pressure of popular, antislavery Sentiment of the intelligent people of the U. S. Under our worthy President, we hope to reconstruct & mould a more perfect form of Government that Shall endure; while our Glorious Flag shall float over the High way of Nations, & tell of the land of the Free & and the home of the Brave. May the High & Holy One protect you & our Nation.

David Newson

Newson David


Salem Oregon, Oct 12/64

Being an old friend of Govr's he now writes to Send greeting from far off Oregon, and gives assurance of his unswerving and unmovable devotion to the Union and the cause of Freedom. Eulogises President Lincoln and the Loyal Governors They of Oregon; although they cannot fight for the Union will speak and circulate documents & do anything in their power to abolish the God defying institution of Slavery-



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