Mt. Morris Ill
Jan 14 1865
Gov Yates
My Dear Sir
Enclosed please find an application for a "Trade Permit" from my brother in law Capt. D. C. Wagner, to the Secretary of the U. S. Treasury. At the Captain's request I forward it to you for your endorsement. You will please let me say, that I would not ask your endorsement in a case of this kind for any one whom I did not know to be eminently worthy. I take pleasure in assuring you that you have never commissioned an officer in the State who has done his duty more faithfully - who has fought more bravely - who has endured all the hardships of a military life more cheerfully and uncomplainingly than Capt Wagner.
He left the service mainly on account of failing health, as well also, to give some attention to his business matters which have suffered greatly. This application was entrusted to Mr. Washburne, and since his return to Washington it was returned to the Capt. without any attempt being made to secure the permit, as the
Capt feels assured he has abundant reason to believe. This may be accounted for from the fact, that Capt Wagner, with the balance of us here gave you our earnest support in your late contest.
Now Gov if consistent with your views & feelings, you will give the application your full endorsement. You will do a brave & gallant Soldier a favor that will ever be duly appreciated by him & his numerous friends
I am dear Gov as ever your
Sincere friend
Francis A. McNeill
To Gov. Yates
McNeil Francis A.
Mt Morris Jan 14th 65
Wants you to endorse an application by his Bro-in-law Capt D C Wagner to the Secty of Treas. for a trade permit